5 Ways to Work With Friends And Win

There are plenty of examples as to why friends shouldn't work together (Jay-Z and Dame Dash ring a bell). However, what do you do when the vision in your head is incomplete without the assistance or support of  your tribe? If you're like me, you aren't satisfied with there only being room for you at the table, you want to create something meaningful with the people closest to you, and your friends are so talented you just want to put them all on. While the is a good arguement for keeping work and play seperate is a great one, there are ways to work with your tribe, be successful, and avoid the drama:

1.Share A Common Vision

Friends have a natural chemistry. Leverage it! Take time to talk about the business as well as your plans for your future. Are you both looking to leave a legacy for your children? Is the plan to build something great and sell? Having a common vision for your business and personal lives makes collaborating much easier.

2. Rely On Pre-Existing Trust

We trust our friends. We are open and honest with them, and if any one knows how to communicate with you I'm betting they're a friend. Business requires that same trust, so use it along with your knowledge of each other's communication styles.

3. Start Small 

 There's this African Proverb I've loved since I was a child "Only a fool test the depths of water with both feet." Rhonda and I have been testing our partnership for years. A small collaboration here, a blog post there, lots of conversations and genuine support. We're only a few weeks in to 2019 and both of our companies are thriving in ways neither of us would have imagined. The years of seemingly small gestures built a partnership that is both supportive and profitable.

4. Make Sure You Balance Each Other Out

Have a circle of friends to choose from? Look around. Whose strengths counter balance your weaknesses? 

5. Check Your Ego

Egos breed anxiety and have no place in friendship nor business. Lay out clear expectations. Communicate effectively and often. Don't be afraid to be wrong, trust me you'd be surprised how right projects turn out if you do it with passion and not ego.


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