Bag Talk With Pretti Beast Jessica McLean

Meet Jessica! She's a public speaker, a CEO, and the kick-ass coach teaching entrepreneurs and "side hustlers" how to supercharge their financial engines and accelerate their ability to make money.

Jessica started out as a teacher making $30K until she made six figures in real estate.  Now at her company K Dot Coaching and Consulting she helps other women fix their relationship with money and purchase what she considers our most valuable possession: the freedom to create the life we want.

In her 10+ years as an educator, coach, and entrepreneur, Jessica has found that everyone is born with the ability to generate wealth – but most people only use a small percentage of their financial power. Her Financial Power Process provides a four-pillar framework for helping people tap into that power and create extraordinary results – faster, easier, and without the grind.

And she's blessed us with some tips we can do now to start on our path to financial freedom:

Start with a specific vision for your finances.  

What do you want?

I have coached so many people who want more money. But what does that really mean? If I gave you $1.00 right now, you’d have more money than you did a moment ago…but would you be much closer to the financial life you want? I’m guessing the answer is no. “More” is not a vision. It’s a vague word that might lead to you finding a few extra pennies on the street, but it won’t create the financial life you dream of having. What do you want the money for? What do you want to be, do, or have? How much will that cost? Get really specific so you know exactly what it is that you want.

I recently coached someone who said she wanted more money. But when we dug into her vision to find out exactly why she wanted it, it turned out that she wanted to get out of debt and fly her parents in from her home country to come and live with her so she could take care of them and provide the life for them that they deserve. I asked her how much that would cost her, and we discovered it would cost her $15,000 a month. Is that a big vision? Absolutely. And do you know how it felt to her? Reeeeaaaallllly good. That’s the kind of massive vision and heart connection that creates momentum. Now that she knows exactly what she wants and why she wants it, she can dive in and make it happen.

Dig deep into your relationship with money.

I recently met someone who we'll call Katie. She has her own business and is doing well for herself. However, when it comes to her money, she buys books on finance and doesn’t read them, tells herself she is going to stick to a budget this month and doesn’t do it, and often talks about how she wants to start investing…but hasn’t started.

If you asked her why she doesn’t do these things, she’d tell you that she doesn’t have time, doesn’t know enough, and isn’t sure where to start. But that’s not the real reason.

The truth is, Katie's relationship with money is based in fear. She’s afraid that investing is risky, so she doesn’t start for fear of losing money. She’s afraid that sticking to a budget will mean she can’t go out to eat or get her nails done, and her life will be joyless. She’s afraid to read that finance book she bought because it will expose all her financial missteps, and she doesn’t want to face them because it will reinforce her belief that she’s “bad with money.”

Every dollar she spends is a dollar she is afraid she won’t get back. So she avoids dealing with her finances altogether, and they never grow.

 A client of mine had a similar story. But we worked on her relationship with money, digging up her old stories and experiences, and as a result, she got a new job and tripled the amount of money she was making in her side business! Your relationship with money will make or break you. Take some time to dig into it and work through it. There is abundance on the other side!

Invest in yourself!

One of the reasons we often experience so much anxiety around money is that we don’t realize what money is: a renewable resource. We feel like the money we spend just leaves our life and never comes back, so spending money often makes us feel stressed, no matter what we are spending it on. But the truth is, money is everywhere. It’s a renewable resource. Every dollar you spend, you can make back in some way. You can always make more money.

The question is, how are you making that happen? Think about investing in the stock market. If you do it successfully, the money that you put into it will come back to you as more money. Warren Buffet is a great testament to the fact that this is very, very possible. YOU are your greatest asset, so how are you investing in you? What are you doing to help yourself create the money you need to accomplish your vision? What wisdom are you gaining? What skills are you developing that you can monetize? Start sowing seeds into your future. Invest in books. Invest in courses. Invest in a coach that can teach you what you need to know to make your vision a reality. A year from today, you will be so grateful you did.

These three steps will help you fast-track your progress toward financial freedom. If you'd like a few more practical steps you can take today, download Jessica's free guide Five Ways to Increase Your Financial Power.


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