Monday Motivation: Get Sh*t Done

To-do list are the silliest things I've ever heard of! I'm all for writing down the major stuff but micro managing your productivity is the recipe for not being productive. As women our internal clocks, our moods, and our emotions are the keys to getting shit done.

Instead of creating never ending list start your day by writing your intentions for the day. Then check your calendar for any scheduled meeting or calls. Write those downs. What other tasks align with your mood, internal clock and emotions? Write down 3 or 4 of those as well. Lastly, what scaling strategy are you leaning into today? Write that down.

I know "what if my mood is depressed or my emotions are all over the place?" Then spend the day focused on professional development. List the reasons you're doing this. Push through your calls and meetings. If you're high energy then focus on creating the best client experience. If you're on chill and focused today might be ideal for admin work, updating inventory, or targeting potential clients.

It doesn't really matter your mood just get shit done.


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