Pretti PR Tip: Keep It "Fresh"

Cuddle season is upon us and finding ways to keep your summer love fresh is important to your sanity, but that is not what this post is about at all. I have been spending more and more time engaging with my audience, listening and learning. When I tell you I have come across some of the most creative and intelligent women in social media groups. I have learned a lot. Now, what I am about to say is not going to sound pretti but it needs to be said: I get there is nothing new under God's sun, but a lot of you are doing the same exact things in the same boring way and wondering why your networking isn't translating into sales. 

I am no money wiz, but I do know that now is not the time for cookie cutter PR plans and marketing strategies you found on slide share. I am not saying that there isn't useful information in these internet streets, but how you use it to your advantage will ultimately determine the success of your business.

With the horrid mess that 2020 made, the most relevant marketing question that entrepreneurs should be asking themselves is "how do I stay new?" Reality has evolved beyond anything we would have imagined and it your job to make sure your business does the same. Obviously there is nothing new under the sun or however the saying goes but it is important to look at old problems from new vantage points. So how do you get new? 

  • First, you get real about how your current campaign strategy is going to fair against your audience's new reality. Covid and social unrest isn't just impacting you. It impacts your distributors, your consultants, and your customers. Make sure that your media strategy takes all of this into account. Empathy and support are powerful motivators.
  • Get your messaging together! What do you want your clients to feel and say about you? Hire a social media specialist, a graphic artist, and a VA. Your view is not objective, having others who can see where there are weaknesses in the messaging will help to shape a collective mindset as that message evolves.
  • If you were relying on events to network and showcase your expertise now is the time to look for or create those opportunities online. I am Zoomed out! But if your business relies on your personality you better start hosting style parties (for profit of course), think tanks, unboxings or whatever to increase your sales.
  •  Take a look at your website. Can you update images or even inventory? How does that copy look? Could it use some new energy? All of these things impact your SEO so put some real thought (and research) into these details.
And above all else remember: in PR if it's not new it's dead. 


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