Pretti PR Tip: Get Your SEO in Order This Holiday Season


Black Friday is rapidly approaching and before you know it the holiday shopping frenzy will be underway. Thanks to the pandemic more than 80% of that shopping is expected to be done online. Now is the time to start enacting your holiday SEO plan. Search engine optimization is the difference between a successful holiday season and another year of financial uncertainty. If you've been avoiding putting off SEO because the task seems so daunting, do not fear, ya girl has your back. Here are some of my favorite hacks and tools designed to pull your boutique from online obscurity to the online shop your customers didn't know they needed in their life.
  • Get your content and promotions on the site like yesterday! By now you should have you holiday inventory and the images that you plan use on your site. Search engines take time to catch up so the better prepared you are and the sooner you are ready to demonstrate that preparedness, the easier it will be to get where your clients can find you.
  • SOCIAL MEDIA IS NOT ALWAYS ENOUGH! If you're selling press on nails out your DM cool, but not all are that lucky. If you're not then it's time to assess your website and social pages to make it easy for shoppers to find you. Might be time to invest in some ads. 
  • Strolling is part of the fun in shopping brick and mortar shops BUT online shoppers are looking for a much quicker experience. Start by making sure those product images aren't too large and slowing up your website. Product images should be uploaded in JPEG format. Your logos and info graphs should be uploaded in the PNG format.
  • Wording is everything! Find the right keywords to increase your search engine visibility. Google Keyword Planner and Google Trends are my favorite tools for making sure the words I use resonate with my target audience. 
  • Last year about 50% of online shopping was done on mobile devices. We can expect that number to increase significantly this year. So make sure your site is mobile friendly. 
  • You are preparing your business for the holiday season! Let the holiday spirit fill you. Holiday themed copy and images will do wonders for boosting your search engine visibility.
Simply put, if you want to show up on the first two pages of a Google search you will need a little objective honesty, planning, and follow through. Before you know it you would have positioned your boutique to be a new customer magnet this holiday season.


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