Pretti Beast: Meet Flisadam Pointer the Editor-in-Chief of ENVERT

One of the most common marks  of a Pretti Beast is the circumstances that she is able to overcome. Flisadam Pointer overcame childhood anxiety and delayed speech to become Editor-in-Chief of ENVERT. Combining her love of music and the performance arts with her education in entertainment journalism Flisadam sits at the head of the budding music outlet. Pretti Talk caught up with Flisadam to talk about ENVERT, how they adjusted during the pandemic, and self-care.

Tell us a little bit about ENVERT and the inspiration behind it?

Well ENVERT is a music blog that focuses on independent musicians and indie music news. At ENVERT we provide unbiased editorial coverage of these entertainers by way of album reviews, video spotlights, interviews, song write-ups, and more. As a lover of music living just outside of the number media market, I found it odd that prominent music publications, radio as well as television stations, turn these artists away as it relates to coverage. Serving the greater music community is the inspiration behind the site. At ENVERT we aim to provide a platform for these deserving artists, no strings attached. 


What should an artist know before pitching themself to you?

Your pitch should let us into your world as an artist. Before pitching to us, artists should know we don’t care about views, streams, or public co-signs. Is the music good? That’s it. At ENVERT it’s quality over quantity. 


How should artists go about pitching themselves to you?

If an artist is seeking coverage, they should first visit our submissions guideline page at There they can learn more about the type of coverage we offer. After reviewing, they can email their submission to 


When Covid hit, what was one of the ways that you had to adjust your business strategy?

A large portion of our editorial coverage prior to the pandemic was centered around live events and live event promotions. As concerts were canceled and small venues began to close their doors, we did see a dip in readership. As a result, we decided to bring back in-depth album reviews and dipped our toes into video content. 


What is your self-care routine? 

To be honest, I don’t have a self-care routine. But I am in the process of establishing one. What I’ve learned from not having one is that it causes more harm than good. The first step in the process for me is to listen to my body. If I need sleep, I sleep. If I want to take a break, I take a break. I am trying to unsubscribe from the “hustle culture” mindset. Also, I have begun to schedule out my responsibilities while also scheduling downtime. For example, Mondays are for responsibility number one, Tuesdays are for responsibility number two, Thursday is me day, etc.  


If you could get a message to your younger self what would it be? 

There are so many things I would want to say to my younger self! But I will keep it short, you are going to be passed on for reasons beyond your control. Keep going. Stay focused. Make your own opportunities. 


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