Business Coach or Consultant: Which One Do You Really Need?

It doesn’t get much better than having a professional who has ‘been there, done that’ providing you with the business support and expertise you need. So, it’s not surprising that many independent business owners are treating themselves to business coaches and consultants this holiday season. The right amount of support and guidance can save you a great deal of time and money when trying to create and/or manage a profitable business. However, in practical terms, there is a significant difference between the role a business coach plays, as opposed to that of a business consultant. 

Here are some of the primary differences.

So, Exactly What Does a Business Coach Do?

Phil Jackson didn't teach Kobe Bryant to play basketball he helped him unlock something he already had inside. The main role of a business coach is to work closely with you, to develop the skills you already possess. From a strategic standpoint, they can help you reach your full potential by brainstorming with you and inspiring you in your quest to reach all of your business objectives. 

That’s why most business coaches address mindset issues that limit results. Heavy emotions like fear and self-sabotaging habits are oftentimes major stumbling blocks that need to be corrected for your business to advance. One business coach I worked with was a huge advocate for women tapping into their sacred feminine energy, another of decluttering your brain to implement systems that help your business run more efficiently.  

One coaching experience was amazing. The other was an expensive lesson revealing, I didn't have the pre-existing skills needed to make the best of that experience. A business coach is there to help you create a “plan of action” for your business and to support you step-by-step while you execute it. You've got to have the necessary skills to make the most of any coaching experience.

On the Other Hand, Here’s What a Business Consultant Does

A business consultant on the other hand is the expert who teaches you the business skills you don’t have knowledge of.

They will sit down and analyze your business after they lcreate an action plan you can follow and carry out.

As experts in business planning and strategy, they will tap into their extensive base of knowledge and see in which direction your business is heading as well as establish the scalability of your operation. 

Next, they will work closely with you regarding acquiring new customers and how to keep them by building loyalty. And much like a business coach, they’ll work in conjunction with you in regards to the packaging of your products, services, pricing, as well as your sales and marketing programs. 

So Which One Do You Actually Need?

When settling on what services, you need at this moment, the definition below can help you:

A coach is like a partner, a consultant is more like an advisor.”

So, when deciding whether you need a coach or consultant, ask yourself three questions:

1. Optimistically, what and how much do I know about running a business?

2. What level of support do I require to accomplish the goals I have set for myself?

3. What kind of results (make a list) would I like to see?

After that, start scheduling consultations and be very upfront as to the level of support you’re seeking.

When it’s all said and done, knowing the difference between a business coach and consultant can save you a a lot of time, money and disappointment. 


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