Business Ideas We Love: Te’a Cooper’s Hollywood Luxury Hair

Aight so boom!

Athletes starting businesses is nothing new, but when I saw an Instagram post announcing the launch of Hollywood Luxury Hair, I almost lost my sugar honey iced tea. Te’a Cooper is starting a hair line?! That’s such a bomb idea! 

If you follow me on social media, you understand that I’m passionate about women athletes elevating their profile away from the game. In a lot of ways their livelihoods depend on it. And it seems that Te’a shares a similar opinion. Before college athletes were able to monetize their likeness, Te’a Cooper was the superstar guard from Baylor making a name for herself on the court and stunning fans on social media with her skills and beauty. Te’a and her business team are constantly reimagining what it means to be a woman athlete and I for one love it!

Since being drafted in 2020, Te’a has been in Sports Illustrated, partnered with Mattel for her own limited edition Barbie, and is now bringing bundle lovers like myself a premium quality product. Hollywood Luxury Hair is our introduction to Te’a Cooper the beauty boss and I cannot wait to see what she does next.

You can follow Te’a on Instagram and shop Hollywood Luxury Hair at


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