Pretti PR Tip: Do More of What You Love

I get it. The business landscape is in another state of evolution, and the pressure to find innovative ways to get your message to stand out is suffocating.  BUT! I would like to challenge you to put a little fun in it without creating another TikTok or reel. A powerful strategy that sometimes goes overlooked is pitching off brand story ideas to journalists, centered around things that you love and have additional knowledge of. This  approach could be a game changer for entrepreneurs looking to improve their brand's visibility. And here's why:

People don't buy products or services, they buy into stories. Stories have the power to captivate, inspire, and persuade. When you pitch a story idea centered around your passions, you tap into the emotional resonance that makes storytelling so effective. Journalists and readers alike are more likely to engage with a narrative driven by passion. Your personal interests and passions often align with your brand's values. When you pitch off-brand stories, you reinforce these values in a subtle yet impactful way. This consistency in messaging helps solidify your brand identity and fosters trust among your audience.

It can't be just any story, though.

Today's consumers are more discerning than ever. They value authenticity and are drawn to brands that reflect genuine passion and values. Emphasis on the word genuine. When you pitch off-brand story ideas that align with your personal interests, you infuse authenticity into your brand narrative. Whether you're passionate about the latest music, hosting friends for brunch, your family, or a unique hobby, sharing these aspects of yourself can create a deeper and more meaningful connection with your audience.

Relatability and shareability are also crucial if you'd like to succeed in securing favorable media coverage for your business. Journalists have ambitions too, relevant off-brand stories that stem from your passions often resonate with a wider audience. These stories can go viral, spreading your brand's message far and wide. They become a powerful tool for organic growth and brand exposure for you and the journalist covering it. 

Establishing relationships with journalists can open doors for future coverage and collaborations. However, keep in mind journalists are always on the lookout for compelling stories. Pitching a story that's relevant, interesting, and authentic, increases the likelihood you catch their attention. A journalist who has covered your passion project might be more inclined to cover your business ventures as well.

At the end of the day, pitching off-brand story ideas to journalists centered around the things you love is a strategy that can breathe new life into your PR efforts. It allows you to harness authenticity, engage with your audience on a deeper level, and stand out in a competitive marketplace. By sharing your passions, you not only tell a compelling story but also build lasting connections with your customers, journalists, and your own team. So, don't hesitate to share your off-brand stories; they might just be the key to unlocking your brand's full potential.


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